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Drawing a Foundation

Shows step-by-step how to insert a foundation into a drawing.

Before you begin

You want to draw a foundation.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline ArchitecturePlanning type 3D - Model planning / 2.5D - Model planningCreate tabCommand group Walls, Ceilings, Columns


  1. If necessary, click the triangle next to the button Foundation < to open the section.
  2. Enter the dimensions for the Width, Depth and Height of the foundation or pick the respective dimensions from the drawing using the button .
  3. Click the button Foundation <.
    The foundation now hangs on the cursor.
  4. Optional: Click the right mouse button to open the context menu and, if necessary, select a rotation, an insertion point or similar.
    Note: If you do not select any other options, the foundation is always inserted at the upper edge of the unfinished floor, regardless of which reference edge is currently selected as the current construction height. Any offset that may have been set is also not taken into account.
  5. Determine the insertion point and the rotation.
    Note: If necessary, use the functions from the context menu to make further settings for inserting the foundation.
    The foundation is then placed in the drawing.


The foundation has been placed in the drawing.