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Creating and Editing an Architecture

Explains the concept of creating and editing architectural models with the LINEAR Solutions.

With the workflow for the discipline Architecture, you can recreate and edit architectural models using the LINEAR Solutions. There are numerous commands for this purpose to recreate an architectural model with all its basic components. You can create foundations, walls, ceilings, joists, chimneys and other elements in your model.

You can use the commands of the LINEAR Solutions to edit existing architectural models as well as create architectural models completely by yourself. To do this, you have a wide range of commands available to construct all the basic components. These include, for example, foundations, walls, ceilings, joists, chimneys, etc. After completing the model, you can define rooms by specifying room outlines, including data on building area, heating/cooling temperature, room type, and so on. This way you can prepare your model for drawing MEP elements. In addition, the building model data can be transferred to LINEAR Building where you can perform a demand analysis for the building and, for example, design heating/cooling systems.