Do you know the German proverb: "All cats are gray at night"?
If you are now asking yourself "What does this have to do with our LINEAR AKTUELL category "Augenblick Mal" and why is the following picture colorless?" allow us to ask you two more questions:
Do you like the colorless presentation of the picture?
Can you recognize differences within the group of people?
You probably like the following colorful version better, don't you? We definitely like this version better. BECAUSE LINEAR IS COLORFUL!
We chose this representation to consciously set an example for tolerance and against racism. We also take a look at the current development of our society and want to take a stand.
A stand for our employees and colleagues, who are an important part of LINEAR. Without them, LINEAR would not be what it is. Without whom some ideas wouldn't have emerged or developments wouldn't have progressed. Because there are currently seven nationalities represented in the LINEAR's staff, who not only ensure that our software solutions are constantly evolving or ensure that operations run smoothly in the background - they are the ones we don't want to miss in our everyday work life!
We are all different and that's a good thing. And as diverse and dynamic as our society is, a wall is one thing above all else at any time of day: a barrier. So let's not build walls in our society, let's remain open to differences, because our diversity leads to different ideas that move us forward.
It is precisely this diversity, these perspectives, ideas and approaches that make our world a colorful place!