Tag: BIM

E-learning course: AutoCAD - Proven tool for all types of drawings

The course shows how drawings are organized and edited in AutoCAD. We demonstrate how to work with layers and illustrate the relationships in the display of objects depending on properties such as line thickness, line types, colors, transparencies and the display sequence using examples. We also…

New e-learning course: Calculating air duct networks in Revit

Learn in our new e-learning course how to efficiently calculate an air duct network with LINEAR Solutions and what options are available for customization. We not only demonstrate simple dimensioning based on material and component data, but also show you how to determine pressure losses, zeta…

New e-learning course on heat load calculation

In this course, you will learn how to use LINEAR to perform a heat load calculation based on DIN EN 12831-1 and what options are available for adjustments. In the form of a project example, the calculation of an apartment building is carried out in which a subdivision of apartments has been made.

New online course: Calculating a cooling pipe network

In this course, we will show you how to calculate cooling pipe networks with LINEAR for Autodesk Revit. In addition to the calculation options, we also go into the material settings for pipes and insulation as well as for fittings and explain the cooling-specific classification of components. 

IPROconsult in a customer interview with LINEAR

In this customer interview Mr. Felix Schlamm, Deputy Head of Department/Project Manager MEP Design, and Mr. Christian Schädel, BIM General Coordinator, not only give us an insight into IPROconsult's impressive history and current range of services. They refer to the past as well as to the current…

Key contributions of MEP in the life cycle assessment of buildings

With increasing awareness of environmental values and resources, the topics of sustainable construction and resource efficiency have become the focus of public attention. The consumption of resources in the building industry is immense. Not only the energy consumption during the construction of the…

5,000 m³ large buffer storage tank to make Fuchstal energy self-sufficient

The Bavarian municipality of Fuchstal has one goal: to expand its municipal generation capacities and become energy self-sufficient. A decisive step in this process is the connection between electricity and heating sectors. In order to drive this expansion forward and achieve this goal, a 5,000 m³…

E-learning course on the new scheme design in Revit

Version 24 introduces the new scheme design for Revit. So that you can get started right away, a suitable e-learning course is now also available, in which you will learn how to convert a scheme directly from your 3D model.